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Classes available are:

Tuesdays ~ Gentle Flow Yoga from 8:30am -9:30 and Beginners Yoga from 5:30-6:30 @ Time To Dance located at 80 West High St. Waynesburg, Pa. 15370

Saturdays ~ Gentle Yoga from 10:30am-11:30 @ Thistlethwaites Vineyard located at 151 Thistlethwaite Lane,

Jefferson Pa. 15344

Sunday ~ 12/9 & 12/30 Beginners Yoga 3:00-4:15 we will be ending the class with a 5 minute meditation @ Time To Dance located @ 80 West High St. Waynesburg Pa. 15370

We will be learning the fundamentals of yoga through clear instruction, simple poses, gentle stretching, connecting breath with movement and a period of rest to quiet the mind.

Classes for beginners and all levels

I look forward to sharing the benefits of yoga with you very soon!

Contact me with any questions @724-802-0020

Crista Turner CYT, RYT